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A Sampling of South India

December 31, 2010

We just got back from a month in India.  Our niece got married in Mumbai (I’ll tell you all about it later) and we decided that as long as we were going all the way to India we might as well spend some time exploring.

We’d last been in India in 1993 and that time we visited the main tourist spots in North India, so this time we decided to take a tour of South India.

It’s fairly impossible to capture the essence of the experience, but this is a quick recap of some of my impressions and experiences.

Even before we left Auckland, we got the message to expect the unexpected on this trip.   Our plane was delayed for fourteen hours.  The reason?  The runway lights at Auckland airport stopped working and no flights could take off or land. 

When we finally made it to Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) we spent two days with my wife’s cousin and she showed us some of the Mumbai sights.  It is the most amazing place I’ve ever seen with incredible wealth (more like wretched excess) living side by side with wretched poverty.  The population is about 14 million (no one knows for sure).  The population density is 22,000 people per square kilometer.  Compare that to Auckland which has a population of 1.5 million and density of 261 people per square kilometer.  As you can imagine, it takes some getting used to.

Not only that, Mumbai is built on a peninsula and you sometimes get the sense that every possible kind of vehicle has driven onto the peninsula and is madly trying to find its way out. 

Needless to say, all of those vehicles give Mumbai its own microclimate that has to be seen (and smelled) to be believed (the picture isn’t blurry, that’s normal haze):

Cars are not the only vehicles you are likely to encounter on the street:

All of these things make Mumbai fascinating.  There is something unusual on every street corner, and most interesting are the Indians themselves.  They can be dressed in anything from western clothes to a loincloth, but everyone is colorful.  What is especially appealing is that, in spite of problems in the past and the constant threat of more trouble, religions are living peacefully side by side.  Driving down a street you can see mosques, Hindu temples and Christian churches all in the same neighbourhood.

You would think that living in Mumbai chaos would make Mumbaikers, as they call themselves, antisocial but I found everyone uniformly friendly and helpful and with a sense of humour that you probably need to survive in the city.  If you stop to ask for directions, you will immediately have a crowd gather, all of whom are anxious to help. 

Once we went into a sweet shop.  I can’t begin to describe Indian sweets—they are an acquired taste but generally very good.  We couldn’t decide what was good and the shopkeeper gave us samples of just about everything on the shelves until we could make up our minds.

Another time I was walking along and acting like a tourist (i.e., looking around and not paying attention).  I stumbled on the uneven sidewalk (more on those later) and four people on all sides of me reached out to steady me and made sure I was ok.

The abundance of human qualities in what would otherwise be a totally bewildering and disturbing environment makes the noise and crowding tolerable.

The biggest negative that I saw throughout India but especially Mumbai, however, is the disparity between rich and poor.  For example, in central Mumbai a business tycoon has erected (no pun intended) a 27 storey high rise house:

The building in the background with the balconies is reputed to be the most expensive house in the world today–worth US $1 billion.  It has more floor space than the palace of Versailles.  It is home to a family of six.  The family has a staff of 600 which means that each person in the family has 100 people looking after them.  It is truly wretched excess, especially when not too far away you see sights like this:

We left Mumbai for our trip down south.  Here is our route:

Our first stop was Bangalore, which I had heard was the Silicon Valley of India.  I’d been led to believe that the massive infusion of IT money into the area had given the city a makeover.

As with most assertions like that, this one contains both truth and falsehood.  Yes, there is a lot of IT money in Bangalore and yes, there are areas that, if you squint, could remind you of San Jose:

  But there were a few things that would have been considered out of place in San Jose:

I couldn’t quite believe that sign, but around the corner I saw the reason for it:

I was informed that some people go for a more subtle approach to discouraging this practice.  They put images of deities on their fences in the hope that people won’t pee in front of the pictures:

I’m not sure how this is related to the topic:

And here is an example of sidewalk maintenance.  Now you know why I lost my balance:

But there are breathtakingly beautiful things as well.  We went for a walk around the campus of an agricultural college and saw this huge banyan tree:

Indians seem to have the nice philosophy that if something is useful you should make use of it, rather than throw it away.  The result is that you will see amazing contrasts between high and low tech.  Like this, for example:

Or this shop:

Or this one with an interestingly diversified product line:

Just when I thought I was starting to get acclimated, we flew down to Chennai (formerly Madras).  Chennai is a town of 4.6 million on the Bay of Bengal (east coast of India).  There we had hired a car and driver who would take us on a circuitous tour over to the west coast. 

We managed to find our driver, Vilva, in the height of a truly epic downpour.  It’s a good thing we found him because his presence was Plan A.  There was no Plan B.

Vilva and I after things dried out a little

We headed to our first destination and became increasingly alarmed at the rain and, more importantly, the volume of water on the road.  There were times when the water was as high as the tops of the tires and the car was forced to inch its way along. 

We made it to the hotel and drove through an impromptu lake to the reception area.  While we were checking in a guest came down to ask us if we had heard a weather report.  She explained that they had arrived in the hotel the day before and since then the water had “continuously risen.”

This was a little bit alarming because the island around the check in desk wasn’t very big. 

As if nothing were amiss we were checked in and the man was summoned to take our bags to our room.  A barefoot guy wearing shorts showed up and picked up our luggage and bade us follow him as he waded into the lake in the direction of a two story building.  Unaware of any feasible alternative, we waded in after him.

Fortunately, our room was upstairs but in our current frame of mind, which was that we would probably be there for the next forty days and nights, it looked rather grim. 

Late in the afternoon the rain stopped and we decided to go out.  Ominously, the water which had previously been up to the first step of the staircase leading to our room was now up to the second step.  It may have stopped raining but the water was still rising.

We waded to the lobby and met with Vilva who took us to the beach front temples.  They were truly impressive, although access was limited because of the rain. 

The next morning the water level had dropped significantly and the even better news was that the clouds were breaking up and the sun was peeking through.  We drove out to our next destination—Pondicherry.  The farther we went the less evidence of flooding we saw but we did learn that 180 people had been killed in flooding in the area over the past couple of days.   It sort of put my worries about snakes and mosquitoes into perspective.

Pondicherry is also on the Bay of Bengal and over the years had been controlled by the French, the Portuguese and the British.  The French influence is still very prevalent and there are streets with Indo-French names:

Another interesting site near Pondicherry is Auroville, an international community devoted to self-sustainability and spiritual growth.  Unfortunately we could only spend a few hours there but it is a fascinating and uplifting place.  Here is the main meditation hall:

The first part of the trip involved visits to lots of temples and several Christian churches.  The temples are fascinating because they are about as old as the cathedrals in Europe and equally impressive from an engineering/human effort perspective.  They are also currently in use and you can see many different worship activities.

The problem with temples is that you aren’t allowed to wear shoes in them.  It wouldn’t be too bad if you just had to slip off your shoes at the door and walk in.  But that’s not the way it works.  You drop your shoes at a central place, get a ticket, and then walk barefoot over up to half a block of Indian sidewalk.  If anyone were watching me they would have thought I was approaching the temple with great humility because my eyes were on the ground, watching every step and navigating around all sorts of interesting objects.  Thanks, in part to some of the residents:

All of our accommodations were excellent–if they hadn’t been, this post would have been twice as long.  I only saw one cockroach on the whole trip.  And one place even had a Rubik’s Cube in the bathroom to pass the time.

The hotels all provided us with a local newspaper in the morning and I made it a point to read them.  Most of the paper consists of news about the latest government corruption scandals and Bollywood gossip, but there are also lots of interesting highlights. 

There doesn’t seem to be a lot of crime, but most of the crime is referred to as “dacoity” which is perpetrated by “dacoits.”  I learned that dacoits are armed gangs who roam the countryside committing robbery.  Some of them have a Robin Hood sort of mystique but fortunately we didn’t encounter any.

There are regular reports of spectacular accidental deaths because of building or bridge collapses or other accidents.  Almost every other day someone is electrocuted, which when you see the infrastructure, comes as no surprise:

Moving on to a more pleasant topic, this might be a good time to talk a little bit about south Indian food.  We made it a point to go to local restaurants for lunch and dinner.  Most people in south India are vegetarians and in many places instead of a plate you get a banana leaf.  The waiters (all men) come out with pots of different kinds of food and you indicate which ones you want.  They serve you the ones you want directly on the banana leaf.  The locals mix everything up into a sort of paste and eat with their fingers.  Most restaurants we visited had a wash basin near the door so you can wash your hands before you leave.  Here is Vilva showing us how it’s done:

The food is very good.  There will be rice and several different sauces and dishes, all heavily spiced.  Sometimes instead of on a banana leaf it is served in separate containers, called a thale:

Each day we drove for about 4 hours, visiting interesting sites along the way and then stopping in a town for the night.  Sometimes the drive was more interesting than the tourist sites because you never knew what you might see. 

I’m not sure what these people do:

And I’m not sure what this company tag line exactly means:

Yes, even in India:

And every hut in this village had a satellite dish:

And sometimes I thought that this sign said it all:

I’ve mentioned the fun of driving in Mumbai.  I could write pages about the adventure of driving in rural India.  People don’t pay much attention to lanes.  This isn’t too much of a problem except on the freeways.  It is somewhat disconcerting to be driving in the passing lane and suddenly see an ox cart or something larger coming toward you.  I mentioned this phenomenon to Vilva, the driver and his comment was “Yeah.  That’s a problem here.”

It’s safe to say that you never know what you will encounter—from virtually impassable roads to modern wide open highways:

It is also always worth reading road signs as you are driving along.  For example, I saw “Christ’s Institute of Computer Application” (complete with a picture of Jesus).  There was also the “AVS Hospital for Bone and Brain,” and the “Test Tube Baby Clinic.”   I also saw a church called “Our Lady of Good Health.”  There are also interesting highway signs such as “Accident Prone Area.  Go Slow.” “Bridge Being Rehabilitated” and, ominously, “Weak Bridge.  Go Slow.” 

And this one:

But don’t ask me about this one:

The second part of our trip focused more on nature than temples and churches.  We visited two “hill stations.”  These are developed areas which because of their elevation are much cooler and therefore ideal vacation spots.  To get to them you have to drive for several hours up very steep, curving narrow roads, but the reward is beautiful scenery.

There was one unfortunate occurrence during our visit to the hill stations.  One evening we had a late lunch / early dinner at a Chinese/Indian fusion place.  I can’t be positive, but I think it was a huge mistake to eat there.

It was about 4pm.  There were no customers in the restaurant and they had to turn on the lights.  There were nine guys standing around watching a cricket match on TV.  During our stay there, they alternated their concentration between us and the TV.  The menu was titled “Chines” and had such delicacies as “Hot and Chower Soup,” “Extra Some Sweetts,” and the compelling “Chili Gob.”

We ordered a variety of dishes and I couldn’t tell if it was good or bad because I wasn’t sure what Indian Chinese food should taste like!

That night my wife and I started complaining of stomach problems.  Her’s stabilized after an antacid tablet. 

Mine got worse.

I’ve had this problem in Mexico, China and Laos, so I knew pretty much what I was in for.  But I have to tell you.  The Indian version is much worse. 

I was convinced that my body wanted to get rid of everything I’d ever eaten and maybe my entire digestive tract as well.  Normally, one trip to the bathroom for each end resolves things.  Not in this case.  It went on all night long.

Needless to say, I was worried about the next day’s drive.  Rest stops on Indian roads are basically nonexistent and at the rate I was going I would need one about every 2 miles.  To show what a sense of humour the person who arranges for these things has, when I staggered down to reception to get ready to leave, Vilva had some wonderful news for us.

That day we were supposed to drive three hours and we would be crossing from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu into Kerala.  Unlike in the US where you can drive from one state to another with no trouble, in India, commercial vehicles (like ours) need a permit.  Unfortunately, Vilva informed us, there was no permit office on our planned route.  We would have to take a detour which would result in the day’s driving being seven hours rather than three.

Oh, goody.

I popped a couple of pills my doctor had prescribed and hoped for the best.

I actually slept most of the way and had no trouble.  We stopped to visit a spice plantation in the afternoon and they had a much needed facility. 

Even in my condition, I found the spice plantation fascinating.  The guide took us through what looked like a forest and periodically would reach out and grab a leaf or seed pod and ask us to identify it.  We saw pepper, vanilla, clove, nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon and several other spices and herbs.  They even had rubber trees and gave a demo of how rubber is made.  And we even saw a snake in the wild, fortunately moving in the opposite direction. 

This is how pepper looks before it gets to the store:

We made it through the check points and crossed into Kerala.   From what I could tell, Kerala seemed slightly more affluent (and cleaner) than some of the other places we had been.  Kerala also prides itself on its Communist state government and there are signs everywhere:

We had started on the east coast of south India and now were almost on the west coast where big lakes and rivers join up to the Arabian Sea.  The highlight of a visit to Kerala is supposed to be a night on a houseboat exploring the backwaters.  We had a boat to ourselves with James, the captain and Bijou, the cook.

It was interesting to see peaceful glimpses of life along the river and canals:

In addition there were also some interesting contrasts.  Usually you can’t get away from McDonalds and Coca Cola signs, but in India, this one is everywhere:

After we docked the next morning we drove to Kochi, the last stop on the trip and a very interesting place.  Kochi has a population of about 600,000 and historically was the capital of the Indian spice trade (we kept it going by purchasing lots of spices).  Over the years it has been controlled by various colonial powers including the Dutch, the Portuguese (Vasco da Gama was originally buried there) and the English. 

There was a large Jewish population in Kochi and one of the main tourist attractions is the Paradesi Synagogue which was built in 1568.  It is located in an area called “Jewtown”

The other tourist must see in Kochi is the Chinese fishing nets:

I’m not positive, but I think the fishermen make more money from tourists wanting to have their picture taken raising and lowering the nets than they do from fishing.  We were content to take pictures from afar.

We then drove to the airport, said our goodbyes to Vilva and flew back to Mumbai in time for wedding preparations. 

I’ve long since forgotten the funny smells and my indigestion.  What is left is the beautiful sights we saw and the smiles of the wonderful people we met:

49 Comments leave one →
  1. January 1, 2011 12:47 am

    Thomas, It is wonderful to have you back again but how I envy your trip and the sights you have seen.

    Just last evening I mentioned to my husband that I missed your posts and wondered aloud about where you might have gone on your trip.

    I’m looking forward to your post about the wedding. I just saw a video from a friend of mine whose daughter married a man from India and all the wedding preparations that were made for the traditional Indian wedding. Beautiful! Happy to have you back, Jeanne

    • January 1, 2011 12:55 am

      Thanks! And it’s great to be back. The wedding was great and totally traditional–four days of ceremonies (and parties).

  2. January 1, 2011 1:24 am

    Great post! I’m very jealous, on so many fronts, one of them culinary.

    So, did you go in the Paradesi Synagogue? I’d like (just once) to say that I live on Jew Street, in Jew Town.

    One other quick thought: Shouldn’t it be: “Weak Bridge–Move fast”?

    • January 1, 2011 5:31 pm

      We went to the synagogue but not into it–you can only enter at certain times of the day and we missed the window of opportunity.
      Regarding the bridge, that was exactly my feeling!

  3. January 1, 2011 1:57 am

    What a fascinating post! Really kept me enthralled. Sounds scary and enjoyable too!

  4. January 1, 2011 4:07 am

    Happy to have you back, Tom…we missed you!

    Thank you for this incredibly detailed post and wonderful photos! I’ve always been interested in India (my ex’s grandparents were missionaries there from the 1920’s through the 1960’s), but have never visited (not sure I want to). One of the best books I’ve ever read is set in 1970’s India: Rohinton Mistry’s “A Fine Balance.” One of my blogging friends lives in Goa.

    The distance between the privileged and the poor in India bothers me terribly…your pictures point out the shocking contrast!

    Glad your digestive issues cleared up…we Ohioans are not known for our tolerance of spicy foods!

    Looking forward to future posts!


    • January 1, 2011 2:11 pm

      I reposted this on Facebook, and this was my friend Judy’s comment:
      “Great story and pictures! Not sure I would want to visit either Wendy.”

      • January 1, 2011 5:36 pm

        Thanks Wendy. I figure I can take any chili they offer at the Ohio State Fair after this!
        I’ve read most of Rohinton Mistry’s books and on the trip read The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. It takes place in the area where we were travelling–it’s not light reading but I highly recommend it.

  5. January 1, 2011 5:16 am

    Fascinating! Thanks so much for the photos—both beautiful and entertaining—and the interesting commentary.

  6. January 1, 2011 6:16 am

    Welcome back! I don’t have time to take it all in yet, but the scenes you captured are amazing!

  7. January 1, 2011 9:08 am

    This post deserves a Pulitzer for “best travelogue” since Herodotus.

    Ironically for somebody who loves Indian philosophy, I’ve never (yet) been to India. (Nepal is the closest I’ve gotten.) But this one post with its humor and color and pictures has given me a better feel for the place than a lot of the articles I’ve read.

    Much to contemplate here. But one, perhaps strange, reaction, after having spent a lot of my time in China: Man, do I prefer India and the Indians.

    • January 1, 2011 5:38 pm

      Thanks very much for the compliment–hope you get to experience India in person someday soon!

  8. Gail permalink
    January 1, 2011 12:53 pm

    Welcome home and we thoroughly enjoyed the travelogue and photos. Can’t say that i would have been able to sit in the car for as long as you did – would have been out looking for the bitumen road with the white line down the middle. Gail.

  9. January 1, 2011 1:56 pm

    Wow, what a great post! You’re a braver person by far than I am, Thomas. Have a wonderful New Year!

    • January 1, 2011 5:41 pm

      Maybe more unaware of what I was in for than brave 🙂
      Happy New Year to you.

  10. January 1, 2011 2:46 pm

    Oh my. What a travelogue. Rick Steves should retire.
    The last picture says it all.

    • January 1, 2011 5:45 pm

      I had to Google Rick Steves–thanks for the compliment!
      With respect to the picture, we were in a temple and those kids came up to us and asked where we were from. They wanted to speak English to us and we had a nice conversation.

  11. January 2, 2011 1:53 am

    Glad your trip was safe and enjoyable. Mark Twain wrote extensively about travelling India in Following The Equator, this is a great companion to his thoughts. A lot of similarity!

  12. January 2, 2011 10:26 am

    Love the banana leaves. Do they go to the dishwasher afterwards? And what kind of snake was it? A cobra?

    • January 2, 2011 12:18 pm

      I don’t know if they recycle the banana leaves but they do wash them beforehand–in the water you aren’t supposed to drink.
      The guide told us the snake was a harmless rat snake (harmless to all but rats, I guess) but I’ve read that guides are told to tell guests that any snake they see is harmless so no one freaks out.

  13. January 2, 2011 4:59 pm

    Glad you’re back! I was wondering where you’d gone. This is fascinating stuff. It’s great that you were able to go for a month. The residential street in Bangalore really surprised me. If I’d had to guess, I’d have guessed that it was California or Arizona or Florida. Can’t wait to read more about and see more pictures from your trip!

    • January 2, 2011 9:14 pm

      Thanks! The picture from Bangalore is from a new residential area for expats and Indians who have worked overseas and want to live in a more western sort of place. It is a double gated community and people have maids and drivers and cooks. I heard a statistic that if you work in the US and move to India with the same salary you can live the life you would in the US as if you made four to five times your salary.

  14. January 3, 2011 4:01 am

    These pictures are amazing Thomas.
    Mumbai seems like a very culturally rich city and some of these natural areas are beautiful

    • January 3, 2011 5:29 am

      Thanks very much, Richard! Artswebshow looks like a lot of fun–best of luck!

  15. January 3, 2011 11:22 am

    Great to have you back, Tom. Love the story and the pictures. Brought back my own time in Delhi and the road to Agra about 15 years ago, all in a 3-cyclinder Marooti. Did you read the road stats section of the newspaper? Or the personal ads? Laughed out loud at the City Toilet House with Extreme Moisture, and the picture of the $6 billion house. So that’s what it takes to get an upright building, huh? Fantastic post xx

  16. January 4, 2011 1:19 am

    Compulsive reading, Thomas. I never tired of the descriptions, reflections, images and variety. Informative, fascinating and entertaining. I feel I’ve taken the tour myself (minus the indigestion).

    • January 5, 2011 10:28 am

      Thanks very much, glad you enjoyed it. Especially glad you didn’t get indigestion 🙂

  17. January 5, 2011 5:09 am

    Excellent report of your trip, Thomas!

    I miss India very much. I’ve been there a few times (in Mumbai also for my honeymoon in my 20s!) and my daughter spent one month in Mumbai last August on her own, working for an Indian company that did humanitarian work in the slums. She showed some guts to go there alone, and I was proud (and worried a bit as well). From that trip she discovered quite a new world (the core of it all being those wonderfully smiling people you show I guess) since earlier she only liked developed countries (India is developing quite fast of course). Now she is taking a break in Thailand with a friend.

    • January 5, 2011 10:29 am

      Thanks! Any plans to get back to India? Where else did you go on your honeymoon?

      • January 6, 2011 5:02 am

        No plan possibly in the near future. We went to Mumbay (Bombay at that time) and to Goa during in the roaring 70s. I loved Goa too but much less the Western weirdoes who went there for sex and drugs.

  18. January 5, 2011 12:32 pm

    Between this travel guide and The Darjeeling Limited I think I might need to take a trip to India. Very nice recap. But I do have to ask, how can someone who lives in the habitat of some of the deadliest creatures on the planet possibly be nervous about some snakes and mosquitoes in India?

    • January 5, 2011 5:08 pm

      I’d love to hear your reactions to India!

      Actually I’m in New Zealand and none of the snakes or other nasties came over from Australia.

  19. Doug permalink
    January 9, 2011 12:40 pm

    Beautifully written,we enjoyed the “ride”,glad you had your Camera along…

  20. Homai Cupala permalink
    January 30, 2011 8:40 am

    Tom;This Is great journey of your India tour & great pictures & journal.Tks.!

  21. January 31, 2011 5:59 am

    wow!!! what a wonderful trip. except for the tummy bug, the rest sounds fascinating, awesome and educational. I am so so keen to go to India. have been for years!!! me thinks I must plan a trip asap. 🙂 thanks for a wonderful journey Thomas, you are a great story teller.

  22. February 2, 2011 4:10 pm

    Thanks very much. Hope you get a chance to visit India soon (but don’t drink the water 🙂 )

  23. Priya permalink
    February 28, 2011 1:11 am

    Thank you, Thomas, for this balanced view of my country. It pleases me to see that you have retained the good, and learnt from the bad (be very careful while walking bare feet in the temples. God can’t take care of everything!)

    I loved reading this post. And came here through Wendy’s recommendation in a blogging friend’s blog, and am looking forward to come back and explore more.


    • February 28, 2011 5:34 pm

      Hi Priya-Thanks very much for your comment and I’m glad that you are happy with my treatment of the subject. It’s hard not to be overwhelmed by India but as I said, the people went out of their way to help. I look forward to getting back some day because, as you point out, it’s changing on a daily basis.

  24. jan parker permalink
    March 14, 2011 5:17 am

    What a great description of your trip – educational, humorous, honest. Can’t wait to read more. Last picture of the beautiful people was the best.

    And also so looking forward to seeing you in April in Florida.

  25. July 16, 2011 9:24 am

    Hi thomas,
    I am happy to read this blog about our nation.

    Your words
    “The problem with temples is that you aren’t allowed to wear shoes in them. It wouldn’t be too bad if you just had to slip off your shoes at the door and walk in…… ”

    Reason 🙂
    Shoes are generally dirty, so one takes them off so as they do not make the house of God dirty. I think you missed to see the pond in front of the temple or at-least some water taps that every one should also wash their feets, hand, face before they go to worship. Traditional concept was to purify completely by taking a bath. Most temples still have a pond for this purpose just beside the temple in India. Of-course now a days we have become lazy :-). So at-least we follow basic etiquette of removing shoes, washing hands and legs.

    So much respect is given that before stepping on the temple floor or stairs leading to temple, a devotee hindu first touches the Stair with his head (either bowing down to touch the head or touching the hand to floor and then touching the same hand to his forehead) before putting the feet on the temple. These are part of Temple worship etiquette.
    — This is from bagavatgita

    • July 20, 2011 9:45 am

      Thank you for the comment Govindasamy and for the interesting information. Yes, I saw the basins for washing and saw many people doing rituals before entering the temple.

  26. Len Skuta permalink
    January 4, 2012 5:04 am

    Thanks for the great post. I see that Indians don’t use “A” frames as the Koreans do to transport any and everything. The bigger the better. It’s all a matter of balance.

  27. January 14, 2014 3:35 pm

    I kind of made the same trip except that after Mumbai we took the houseboat in Periyar, did the spice plantation, elephants things and then we dove three hours to Tamil Nadu. First stop in Madurai. Much more dirty than Kerala actually. What you probably ate was Thali, small meals served in little dishes. For Hindus Thali are left overs from other dishes. Lots of Thalis in the Bay area too 🙂


  1. Celebrating a Parsi Wedding in Mumbai

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